.. multi-step-workflow Tapis Workflow Installation and Execution ========================================= Install GeneFlow and Tapis dependencies into a Python virtual environment: .. code-block:: bash # create a virtual python environment mkdir -p ~/geneflow cd ~/geneflow python -m venv gfpy source gfpy/bin/activate # install geneflow pip3 install geneflow # install tapis/agave library git clone -b python-3.7 https://gitlab.com/geneflow/dependencies/agavepy.git pip3 install ./agavepy Create an Tapis/Agave token. There are a couple ways to do this, but in the CDC environment, the recommended method is the `cobra-cli` module: .. code-block:: bash module load cobra-cli auth-tokens-create -u [username] Create a personal execution system. This is required to be able to register apps to the system: .. code-block:: bash cobra-systems-create Create the GeneFlow config file with the following contents: .. code-block:: bash vim ./config.yaml .. code-block:: text class: config gfVersion: v2.0 local: agave: connection_type: agave-cli database: path: database.db type: sqlite Create the GeneFlow agave-params file with the following contents. Replace `[username]` with your username and replace `[date]` with the date associated with your personal execution system. .. code-block:: bash vim ./agave-params.yaml .. code-block:: text %YAML 1.1 --- agave: # prefix for app name. For user apps, use your username. # For public apps, use 'public'. appsPrefix: [username] # must have publish rights to the execution system executionSystem: cobra-hpc-aspen-[username]-[date] # location of your agave home directory deploymentSystem: tapis-default-public-storage # Apps directory where app assets will be uploaded. # This must be an absolute path. appsDir: /[username]/apps-gf # location of workflow test data, absolute path. testDataDir: /[username]/testdata-gf Install the workflow and register with Agave: .. code-block:: bash gf install-workflow -g https://gitlab.com/workflows/bwa-gf2.git -c --make-apps --config ./config.yaml -e local --agave-params ./agave-params.yaml bwa-gf2 Run the workflow, replace `[username]` with your username: .. code-block:: bash gf --log-level debug run ./bwa-gf2 -o ./output -n test-agave -w agave://tapis-default-public-storage/[username]/.geneflow/work --in.files ./bwa-gf2/data/reads --in.reference ./bwa-gf2/data/reference/poliovirus_strain_Sabin1.fasta --ec default:agave --ep default.slots:2