Build a Container for an App¶
In this tutorial, we will build a custom container using Singularity. This tutorial will demonstrate basic concepts: (1) how to choose a base image to build from, (2) how to install a software package from github, (3) how to install packages, and (4) how to copy local files into the container. This tutorial is only meant to be an introduction. For more information on Singularity, check out the documentation at: and use Google as usual. Once the container has been created, it can be used in a GeneFlow app.
Singularity Requirement¶
This tutorial is based on Singularity 2.6. It assumes that you already have Singularity installed and that you have sufficient privileges to build an image (which may require sudo access). Check the Singularity documentation on how to install Singularity or check with your system administrator.
A Container for RNA-Seq¶
In this tutorial, we will build a container with the following software:
STAR aligner (
DESeq2 on Bioconductor/R (
All dependencies required by the above 2 programs
Singularity Recipe¶
A Singularity recipe is a set of instructions for building the Singularity image. The final Singularity recipe for building the image for the tutorial is shown below. I will break down what each section of the file does below. Meanwhile, copy it into a text file named Singularity using your favorite editor. The example here will use vi.
vi Singularity
Copy the following text into the file and save it.
Bootstrap: docker
From: r-base:3.6.0
test.txt /opt/test.txt
export TMPDIR
#install STAR
cd /opt/
tar -xzf 2.7.2b.tar.gz
rm 2.7.2b.tar.gz
ln -s /opt/STAR-2.7.2b/bin/Linux_x86_64/STAR /bin/STAR
#Install dependencies packages
apt-get update
apt-get install -y libcurl4-openssl-dev
apt-get install -y libxml2-dev
#Install R packages
export TMPDIR=/opt
R --slave -e 'install.packages(c("BiocManager","docopt","stringi", "stringr"))'
R --slave -e 'BiocManager::install(c("DESeq2"))'
echo "the fruits of your success will be in direct ratio to the honesty and sincerity of your own effort in keeping your own records, doing your own thinking, and reaching your own conclusions. - Jesse Livermore"
Base Container¶
While it is possible to build a container from just a base operating system, it is often easier to start from images that already contain some of the software you want. In this case, we will start from the container image with R already installed. The image we will use is here: The following code section in the recipe file tells Singularity to use this base image. The Bootstrap: option is set as “docker” to signify that we are building from a pre-existing docker image from DockerHub. The From: options is set as “r-base:3.6.0” to signify that we want to use the r-base container tagged at 3.6.0.
Bootstrap: docker
From: r-base:3.6.0
Copy Files¶
Although the image in this tutorial doesn’t need any local files, you will often want to include some local files (a script for example) in your Singularity image. Therefore, we will copy a dummy file to demonstrate how to copy a file from the local directory into the docker container. Start by making a dummy file with the command:
echo "This is a test file" > test.txt
The section of the recipe file instructing Singularity to copy the file into the image is shown below. Under the %file section, specify the source and the destination separated by space. I generally copy files into the /opt/ directory because most pre-built images have this directory.
test.txt /opt/test.txt
Set Environmental Variables¶
The %environment section sets the environmental variables for your image at runtime (but not build time). I included an example of how to do this, but our image doesn’t really need it.
export TMPDIR
The %labels section contains all of the metadata for the image. In this case, I put in my information as the author.
Install your software¶
The %post section contains commands that are executed on top of the base image. This is where most of the setup is done. Our base image is an Ubuntu OS with R installed. Imagine we are running such a computer: what commands do we need to execute to install everything we want?
In the first section of the code:
We go to the /opt directory
Download the STAR tarball
Unzip the tarball to get the binary
Remove the tarball
Softlink the executable STAR binary into the /bin directory so we can execute it from the command line.
In the second section of the code:
We update the list of libraries for the Ubuntu OS
Install the libcurl4-openssl-dev library
Install the libxml2-dev library (both needed by R packages)
In the final section of the code:
We export and set TMPDIR as “opt” because R will download and compile packages in the directory specified by the TMPDIR variable, and /tmp is often set as noexec
We install the R packages (including bioconductor)
We install the Bioconductor package DESeq2
#install STAR
cd /opt/
tar -xzf 2.7.2b.tar.gz
rm 2.7.2b.tar.gz
ln -s /opt/STAR-2.7.2b/bin/Linux_x86_64/STAR /bin/STAR
#Install dependencies packages
apt-get update
apt-get install -y libcurl4-openssl-dev
apt-get install -y libxml2-dev
#Install R packages
export TMPDIR=/opt
R --slave -e 'install.packages(c("BiocManager","docopt","stringi", "stringr"))'
R --slave -e 'BiocManager::install(c("DESeq2"))'
Container as an Executable¶
The %runscript section defines what commands are executed if the image is run as an executable (see below). We echo a quote to demonstrate this function.
echo "the fruits of your success will be in direct ratio to the honesty and sincerity of your own effort in keeping your own records, doing your own thinking, and reaching your own conclusions. - Jesse Livermore"
Build your image¶
Assuming you named your recipe file “Singularity”, execute the following command to build your image (“STAR-DESeq2.img”). This will take some time and you will need to have sudo access.
sudo singularity build STAR-DESeq2.img Singularity
Working with your image¶
There are 3 main ways to interact with a Singularity image. Choose the method that suits your goals. We will briefly explore all three.
You can interactively shell into your image using the following command.
singularity shell STAR-DESeq2.img
Feel free to explore your virtual image. Try calling the manual of STAR with the following command:
Echo the environment variable you set with the following command:
echo $TMPDIR
Check whether the test.txt got copied by going into the /opt directory:
cd /opt
Run R and check if DESeq2 is available with the following commands. Exit R with the quit() command.
Exit the shell with exit when you are done exploring.
The singularity run command executes the commands in the %runscript% section. Running the following command should echo the quote we put in our %runscript% section.
singularity run STAR-DESeq2.img
The singularity exec [IMAGE] [CMD] command executes the command from the environment defined in the image. For example, the command below executes the STAR command from the STAR-DESeq2.img with the -h flag.
singularity exec STAR-DESeq2.img STAR -h
After this tutorial, you should know the basics of how to build and run a Singularity image. Note that building a complex image can be a frustrating experience because we take for granted the dependencies our programs need and are pre-installed on most computers. A container image will often require finding out every dependency (and their dependencies) and installing all of them. Try finding pre-existing containers whenever you can. A good resource for bioinformatic containers is