Install GeneFlow

GeneFlow can be installed and run in any Linux environment, and is pre-installed in the CDC environment.


At a minimum, GeneFlow requires a Linux environment with Python 3. The Python pip installer for GeneFlow handles all python dependencies.

Agave is optionally required if you want to run workflows in Agave (see

Install Dependencies in Ubuntu/Debian Systems

Install system-level dependencies in Ubuntu with the following commands:

sudo apt install python3 python3-dev git gcc

Install Dependencies in CentOS/RHEL Systems

Install system-level dependencies in CentOS with the following commands:

sudo yum install python36 python36-devel git gcc

Python Modules

You may also need the following Python modules:

pip install setuptools wheel

Prepare the CDC Environment to run GeneFlow

To use the pre-installed GeneFlow in the CDC environment, use the following instructions to prepare the environment and load the module.

Prepare the CDC Environment and Load the GeneFlow Module

Use the following steps to setup your CDC Linux environment to run GeneFlow. GeneFlow can be run from Biolinux or from any CDC Linux system that has access to the “modules” environment.

  1. In your home directory, create a working directory.

    mkdir ~/geneflow_work
  2. Although GeneFlow output can be directed to any folder, create an output folder to help organize workflow outputs:

    mkdir ~/geneflow_work/output
  3. Load the GeneFlow module. Note that older versions of GeneFlow can also be loaded by replacing “latest” with the desired version number:

    module load geneflow/latest

Prepare Agave in the CDC Environment

If you want to run workflows in Agave, you will need to initialize your CDC Agave environment.

Follow these instructions to prepare your Agave environment. Note that these instructions only need to be performed once.

  1. Load the Agave CLI tools:

    module load cobra-cli/0.1
  2. Initialize your client:


    cobra-init will prompt you for your username and password.

  3. Create an execution system:


    Note the name of the new execution system, which will be formatted as cobra-hpc-aspen-[USER]-[DATE].

    Create GeneFlow output and work directories in your Agave home:

    files-mkdir -N geneflow-output /[USER]
    files-mkdir -N geneflow-work /[USER]
  4. Prepare the Agave configuration file:

    Create a new file with agave environment parameters:

    cd ~/geneflow_work
    vi ./agave-params.yaml

    Add the following to the file:

    %YAML 1.1
      # prefix for app name. For user apps, use your username.
      # For public apps, use 'public'.
      appsPrefix: [USER]
      # must have publish rights to the execution system
      executionSystem: cobra-hpc-aspen-[USER]-[DATE]
      # location of your agave home directory
      deploymentSystem: cobra-default-public-storage
      # Apps directory where app assets will be uploaded
      # This must be an absolute path
      appsDir: /[USER]/apps-gf
      # location of workflow test data, absolute path
      testDataDir: /[USER]/testdata-gf

    Replace [USER] with your Agave username.

    executionSystem should be the same system created in step 3 (e.g., cobra-hpc-aspen-[USER]-[DATE], replace [USER] and [DATE]). To see a list of execution systems to which you have access, use:

    systems-list -E

    deploymentSystem should be left at the default value.

Install GeneFlow in a General Linux Environment

Use the following instructions to install GeneFlow in a general Linux environment.

Install GeneFlow using a Python Virtual Environment

GeneFlow can be installed and run in any general Linux environment. Use the following instructions to install geneflow and prepare the environment for running workflows.

  1. Create a working directory in a Linux environment. The remainder of these instructions will assume that the working directory is in ~/geneflow_work. If you customize this, be sure to adjust the commands in the instructions accordingly.

    mkdir ~/geneflow_work
  2. Setup a Python 3 virtual environment and install dependencies with pip3. The virtual environment is optional if you have sudo access and wish to install GeneFlow and dependencies system-wide. The python3 executable must be available in your path.

    Create and activate the Python 3 virtual environment:

    cd ~/geneflow_work
    python3 -m venv gfpy
    source gfpy/bin/activate

    You should now see a modified prompt prefixed with “(gfpy)”.

  3. Clone the GeneFlow source code and install it:

    git clone
    pip3 install ./geneflow

Prepare Agave in a General Linux Environment

If you want to run workflows in Agave, you will need access to an Agave tenant. Follow the instructions at to setup Agave with a client, storage system, and execution system. Alternatively, talk to your system administrator about setting up an Agave tenant.

  1. Create an Agave token using the Agave CLI (

    auth-tokens-create -u [USER]
  2. Create GeneFlow output and work directories in your Agave home:

    files-mkdir -N geneflow-output /[USER]
    files-mkdir -N geneflow-work /[USER]

    Note that, depending on your Agave default storage system, your home directory may be in a different place (e.g., /home/[USER]). Check with your Agave administrator if you are unsure.

  3. Install the Agave Python wrapper:

    pip3 install agavepy
  4. Prepare the Agave configuration file:

    Create a new file with Agave environment parameters:

    cd ~/geneflow_work
    vi ./agave-params.yaml

    Add the following to the file:

    %YAML 1.1
      # prefix for app name. For user apps, use your username.
      # For public apps, use 'public'.
      appsPrefix: [USER]
      # must have publish rights to the execution system
      executionSystem: [execution-system]
      # location of your agave home directory
      deploymentSystem: [default-public-storage]
      # Apps directory where app assets will be uploaded.
      # This must be an absolute path.
      appsDir: /[USER]/apps-gf
      # location of workflow test data, absolute path.
      testDataDir: /[USER]/testdata-gf

    Replace [USER] with your Agave username.

    Replace [execution-system] with an Agave execution system for which you have “OWNER” access.

    Replace [deployment-system] with an Agave storage system that contains your home directory.

    For public apps, appsDir and testDataDir can be set to a global or shared location instead of a user home directory.