GeneFlow Usage

GeneFlow Command-Line Options

All GeneFlow command line options can be viewed with the following:

geneflow --help

Resulting in the following output:

usage: geneflow [-h] [--log_level LOG_LEVEL] [--log_file LOG_FILE]

GeneFlow CLI

positional arguments:
    add-apps            add apps to database
    add-workflows       add workflows to database
    help                GeneFlow workflow help
    init-db             initialize database
    install-workflow    install workflow
    migrate-db          migrate database
    run                 run a GeneFlow workflow
    run-pending         run pending workflow jobs

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --log_level LOG_LEVEL
                        logging level
  --log_file LOG_FILE   log file

Each GeneFlow sub-command is detailed below.

Command-Line “add-apps”

The “add-apps” sub-command is a utility for adding GeneFlow apps directly to the GeneFlow relational database and is recommended for use by advanced users only. View further details for this sub-command with the following:

geneflow add-apps --help

Resulting in the following output:

usage: geneflow add-apps [-h] -c CONFIG_FILE -e ENVIRONMENT app_yaml

positional arguments:
  app_yaml              geneflow definition yaml with apps

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CONFIG_FILE, --config_file CONFIG_FILE
                        geneflow config file path

The “app_yaml” argument is a path to a YAML file with an app definition. See Apps for more details. The config file contains configuration paramters for GeneFlow execution, see GeneFlow Config File for more details. The environment parameter refers to a specific section of the GeneFlow config file.

Command-Line “add-workflows”

The “add-workflows” sub-command is a utility for adding GeneFlow workflows directly to the GeneFlow relational database and is recommended for use by advanced users only. View further details for this sub-command with the following:

geneflow add-workflows --help

Resulting in the following output:

usage: geneflow add-workflows [-h] -c CONFIG_FILE -e ENVIRONMENT workflow_yaml

positional arguments:
  workflow_yaml         geneflow definition yaml with workflows

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CONFIG_FILE, --config_file CONFIG_FILE
                        geneflow config file path

The “workflow_yaml” argument is a path to a YAML file with a workflow definition. See definition for more details. The config file contains configuration parameters for GeneFlow execution, see GeneFlow Config File for more details. The environment parameter refers to a specific section of the GeneFlow config file.

GeneFlow Config File

Config file.

Run Pre-Installed Workflows in the CDC Environment

The CDC SciComp environment contains a number of preinstalled GeneFlow workflows that can be run using GeneFlow’s command-line interface. These workflows are installed in the directory /apps/geneflow/workflows.

Loading the GeneFlow module sets the GENEFLOW_PATH environment variable, which points to the pre-installed workflow directory. Check the path using the following:


You should see:


This environment variable can be customized to point to a different location, if desired. To view the list of all workflows available in this shared location, use the following command:


Which should result in a listing such as:

├── bwa
│   └── 0.1
├── bwa-basic
│   ├── 0.1
│   └── 0.3
├── bwa-samtools
│   └── 0.1
├── fastqc
│   └── 0.1
├── legionella-prs
│   └── 0.4.1
├── legionella-species-id
│   └── 0.2.1
└── mars
    └── 0.1

These workflows may be accessed simply by referring to the workflow’s name and version number, for example:

geneflow help bwa-basic/0.3

This command displays the required inputs and parameters for the bwa-basic/0.3 workflow:

2018-12-19 12:30:11 INFO [] workflow definition found: /apps/geneflow/workflows/bwa-basic/0.3/workflow/workflow.yaml

GeneFlow: BWA Basic Workflow

Basic Sequence alignment with BWA

        --file: Input File: Input FASTQ file
                type: File, default: /input/file.fastq
        --reference: Reference Sequence FASTA: Reference sequence FASTA file
                type: File, default: /input/reference.fa

        --threads: CPU Threads: Number of CPU threads for alignment
                type: int, default: 2

Similarly, the workflow can be run using a command as follows. Here, the inputs are assigned using publicly available test data. However, these input values may be substituted with other appropriate data.

geneflow run bwa-basic/0.3 -d name="Test BWA Basic" -d output_uri=output -d inputs.file=/apps/geneflow/training/geneflow_intro/polio-sample.fastq -d inputs.reference=/apps/geneflow/training/geneflow_intro/poliovirus_strain_Sabin1.fasta

This run command produces the output similar to the following. Note that, since the parameter output_uri is set to output, the workflow’s output will be placed in a folder in the current directory called output. This parameter may be replaced by any relative or absolute path.

2018-12-19 12:48:50 INFO [] workflow definition found: /apps/geneflow/workflows/bwa-basic/0.3/workflow/workflow.yaml
2018-12-19 12:48:51 INFO [] workflow loaded: BWA Basic Workflow -> 0731b0de8c8f4622ab99d9d21ad2e303
2018-12-19 12:48:51 INFO [] job loaded: Test BWA Basic -> 09443efaca61473db4e6492b723df153
2018-12-19 12:48:51 INFO [] running workflow:
Job: Test BWA Basic (09443efaca61473db4e6492b723df153)
    Workflow: BWA Basic Workflow
        Description: Basic Sequence alignment with BWA
        file: /apps/geneflow/training/geneflow_intro/polio-sample.fastq
        reference: /apps/geneflow/training/geneflow_intro/poliovirus_strain_Sabin1.fasta
        threads: 2
    Work URIs:
        local: local:/scicomp/home/[USER]/.geneflow/work/test-bwa-basic-09443efa
    Output URI: local:/scicomp/home/[USER]/geneflow_work/output/test-bwa-basic-09443efa
2018-12-19 12:48:51 INFO [] [input.reference]: staging input
2018-12-19 12:48:51 INFO [] [step.index]: iterating map uri
2018-12-19 12:48:51 INFO [] [step.index]: running
Reference: /apps/geneflow/training/geneflow_intro/poliovirus_strain_Sabin1.fasta
Output: /scicomp/home/[USER]/.geneflow/work/test-bwa-basic-09443efa/index/reference
Execution Method: auto
Detected Execution Method: cdc-shared-singularity
CMD=mkdir -p /scicomp/home/[USER]/.geneflow/work/test-bwa-basic-09443efa/index/reference
CMD=singularity run  -B /scicomp/home/[USER]/.geneflow/work/test-bwa-basic-09443efa/index:/data1 -B /apps/geneflow/training/geneflow_intro:/data2 /apps/standalone/singularity/bwa/bwa-0.7.17-biocontainers.simg bwa index  -p /data1/reference/reference.fa /data2/poliovirus_strain_Sabin1.fasta > log.stdout 2> log.stderr
Exit code: 0
2018-12-19 12:48:55 INFO [] [step.index]: all jobs complete
2018-12-19 12:48:55 INFO [] [step.index]: cleaning
2018-12-19 12:48:56 INFO [] [step.index]: staging output
2018-12-19 12:48:56 INFO [] [step.index]: complete
2018-12-19 12:48:56 INFO [] [input.file]: staging input
2018-12-19 12:48:56 INFO [] [step.align]: iterating map uri
2018-12-19 12:48:56 INFO [] [step.align]: running
Input: /apps/geneflow/training/geneflow_intro/polio-sample.fastq
Reference: /scicomp/home/[USER]/.geneflow/work/test-bwa-basic-09443efa/index/reference
Threads: 2
Output: /scicomp/home/[USER]/.geneflow/work/test-bwa-basic-09443efa/align/output.sam
Execution Method: auto
Detected Execution Method: cdc-shared-singularity
CMD=singularity run  -B /scicomp/home/[USER]/.geneflow/work/test-bwa-basic-09443efa/index:/data2 -B /apps/geneflow/training/geneflow_intro:/data3 /apps/standalone/singularity/bwa/bwa-0.7.17-biocontainers.simg bwa mem  -t 2 /data2/reference/reference.fa /data3/polio-sample.fastq > /scicomp/home/[USER]/.geneflow/work/test-bwa-basic-09443efa/align/output.sam 2> log.stderr
Exit code: 0
2018-12-19 12:49:00 INFO [] [step.align]: all jobs complete
2018-12-19 12:49:00 INFO [] [step.align]: cleaning
2018-12-19 12:49:00 INFO [] [step.align]: staging output
2018-12-19 12:49:00 INFO [] [step.align]: complete
2018-12-19 12:49:00 INFO [] workflow complete:
Job: Test BWA Basic (09443efaca61473db4e6492b723df153)
    Workflow: BWA Basic Workflow
        Description: Basic Sequence alignment with BWA
        file: /apps/geneflow/training/geneflow_intro/polio-sample.fastq
        reference: /apps/geneflow/training/geneflow_intro/poliovirus_strain_Sabin1.fasta
        threads: 2
    Work URIs:
        local: local:/scicomp/home/[USER]/.geneflow/work/test-bwa-basic-09443efa
    Output URI: local:/scicomp/home/[USER]/geneflow_work/output/test-bwa-basic-09443efa

Install and Run a GeneFlow Workflow from the Community Repo

GeneFlow workflows that have been committed to source code repositories such as GitHub or GitLab can be installed and run in any Linux environment. The install-workflow GeneFlow sub-command clones a workflow from a source code repository and installs it locally. For example (Note: This example pulls apps from the CDC GitLab repository):

geneflow install-workflow ./bwa-basic-gf --make_apps -g

This command clones the “BWA Basic” GeneFlow workflow into the local folder ./bwa-basic-gf. The --make_apps flag is optional and indicates that app templates should be compiled upon installation. The output of the install-workflow sub-command should be similar to the following:

2018-12-19 15:39:28 INFO [] app:
{'asset': 'none',
 'folder': 'bwa-index-0.7.17-gf-0.4',
 'name': 'bwa-index',
 'repo': '',
 'tag': '0.4'}
2018-12-19 15:39:29 INFO [] compiling /scicomp/home/[USER]/geneflow_work/bwa-basic-gf/workflow/apps/bwa-index-0.7.17-gf-0.4/app.yaml.j2
2018-12-19 15:39:30 INFO [] compiling /scicomp/home/[USER]/geneflow_work/bwa-basic-gf/workflow/apps/bwa-index-0.7.17-gf-0.4/agave-app-def.json.j2
2018-12-19 15:39:30 INFO [] compiling /scicomp/home/[USER]/geneflow_work/bwa-basic-gf/workflow/apps/bwa-index-0.7.17-gf-0.4/assets/
2018-12-19 15:39:30 INFO [] compiling /scicomp/home/[USER]/geneflow_work/bwa-basic-gf/workflow/apps/bwa-index-0.7.17-gf-0.4/test/
2018-12-19 15:39:30 INFO [] installing app asset type: none
2018-12-19 15:39:30 WARNING [] unconfigured asset type specified: none
2018-12-19 15:39:30 INFO [] app:
{'asset': 'none',
 'folder': 'bwa-mem-0.7.17-gf-0.4',
 'name': 'bwa-mem',
 'repo': '',
 'tag': '0.4'}
2018-12-19 15:39:31 INFO [] compiling /scicomp/home/[USER]/geneflow_work/bwa-basic-gf/workflow/apps/bwa-mem-0.7.17-gf-0.4/app.yaml.j2
2018-12-19 15:39:31 INFO [] compiling /scicomp/home/[USER]/geneflow_work/bwa-basic-gf/workflow/apps/bwa-mem-0.7.17-gf-0.4/agave-app-def.json.j2
2018-12-19 15:39:31 INFO [] compiling /scicomp/home/[USER]/geneflow_work/bwa-basic-gf/workflow/apps/bwa-mem-0.7.17-gf-0.4/assets/
2018-12-19 15:39:31 INFO [] compiling /scicomp/home/[USER]/geneflow_work/bwa-basic-gf/workflow/apps/bwa-mem-0.7.17-gf-0.4/test/
2018-12-19 15:39:31 INFO [] installing app asset type: none
2018-12-19 15:39:31 WARNING [] unconfigured asset type specified: none

Following installation, input and parameter requirements for the workflow can be viewed with the GeneFlow help sub-command:

geneflow help bwa-basic-gf

Which produces the following:

2018-12-19 16:01:19 INFO [] workflow definition found: /scicomp/home/[USER]/geneflow_work/bwa-basic-gf/workflow/workflow.yaml

GeneFlow: BWA Basic Workflow

Basic Sequence alignment with BWA

        --file: Input File: Input FASTQ file
                type: File, default: /input/file.fastq
        --reference: Reference Sequence FASTA: Reference sequence FASTA file
                type: File, default: /input/reference.fa

        --threads: CPU Threads: Number of CPU threads for alignment
                type: int, default: 2